Our company Andes Natural LLC was founded in 1998. Since then, skin care professionals have been providing products made with natural ingredients that have a positive impact on the way people feel about their skin and themselves.
Our company developed the world’s most successful skin treatment based on a unique skin care ingredient (a naturally occurring and renewable skin care serum collected from live creatures without inflicting any damage to them) and pure botanicals that invigorate and beautify skin.
We provide tips and helpful information for your skin, all based on the most recent scientific research and development available worldwide.
Our mission is to provide our customers with the most effective, safe and natural acne treatment product by employing the most advanced renewable skin care serum collected from live creatures and pure botanicals.
Currently we have over 100,000 customers worldwide.
We offer exclusive skin care products and acne treatment solutions. Our 100% natural skincare creams eradicate acne, redness and spots; eliminate skin imperfections and flaws; tighten sagging skin; zap wrinkles, sun spots, keratosis, stretch marks and cellulite, while uncovering youthful, soft skin.